"The Church where Everybody is Somebody because Jesus is All"


Music Ministry
Usher Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Youth Ministry
Some-one to Care Sick and Shut-in Ministry

Culinary Arts Ministry
Media Ministry
Real Men Ministry
Beautification Ministry
Trustee Ministry

Deacon Ministry
Deaconess Ministry 
Girl Scouts
Finance Ministry
Transportation Ministry 


We seek to put in place, or revamp in some cases where necessary, the following elements:

1. Praise and worship format using a multiple of musical vehicles, instruments, oracles, expressions in an orderly fashion that utilizes time efficiently and effectively.

2. Choirs, praise team, ushers, and others committed to excellence in preparation for service and glorification of God. 

3. Youth Church that includes individual classes addressing topics of relevance and interest, as well as need, and service designed to prepare our youth for corporate and individual praise and worship, and a youth praise team, drama ministry, and creative expression ministry where the youth can contribute original songs, poems, and dramatic interpretations.
4. A Hospitality ministry that greets and welcomes all that enter, especially visitors, and follows up with thanking visitors for coming through cards, calls, etc..

5. A celebratory, yet reverent atmosphere unmarred by unnecessary movement and other distractions.

6. An evaluation team that looks consistently at what we do and make suggestions for enhancement. 

1. Teacher and Leadership training where we teach “how to teach more effectively and creatively” and how to lead by example.
2. Enhanced Sunday School and Bible Study where we offer classes for seniors, couples, singles, new members, new converts, and youth that address scripture and practical application and needs.
3. An AWANA program for all youth and races that incorporates fun activities and fellowship with challenging discussions/ lessons open for the entire community. 

4. Disciples Classes (three (3)) levels that train us on how to be a true follower of Christ.
5. An effective Deacon Family ministry that includes regular visitation, communion, fellowship, and needs assessment in order to know our families and meet their needs better.

6. Benevolent Mission where we aid those in temporary distress where we can. 

7. Fellowship ministry where we engage in initially quarterly and eventually monthly fellowship excursions and semi-annual church wide fellowships that would include a church picnic or trip( Summer) and a Winter formal where we can dress up for a night on the town .

8. Monthly youth outings that include trips locally and abroad to places of cultural, recreational, and spiritual interest.

-  Local excursions would include movies, skating, bowling, athletic events, appropriate concerts, as well as local historical and cultural sites.

- Each excursion would be tied in to some spiritual principle. 

- Also an annual youth trip of some distance and interest (i.e. Orlando, Chicago, New York)

- Youth delegates to local, state, and national congresses

- Events for our very young (ages 3-5) that would excite their interests and expose them to beneficial stimuli 

9. A sick and shut in ministry that visits and send cards, flowers, etc. and maintains a prayer list. This will supplement what the deacons and pastor do.
10. An Intercessory Prayer Ministry that meets regularly in corporate prayer for our church, city, country, and community, local and abroad.
11. Pastoral and ministerial support programs to further train, encourage, and support the pastor and ministers.
12. Media Ministry as an outreach tool as well as an enhancement vehicle for Live Streaming services and facilitating the worship experience.

13. New members class and orientation to acquaint new members with the operation and doctrine of the church and teach them about their gifts and expectations so they can become involved in growing spiritually.
14. New Convert Class that teaches basic Christian doctrine and help assimilate new converts within the church body.
15. Maintain a food bank and clothing ministry to help members and others outside of our fellowship when needs arise.
16. Maintain an effective men’s, women’s, couples, singles, and senior ministry looking to teach about practical issues such as home buying, investing, stewardship, relationships, wills, spirituality, devotion, family issues, health issues, etc… 

1. Nursing home ministry

2. Prison and jail ministry

3. Homeless Shelter Adoption

4. Support foreign missions

5. After school youth and tutorial programs where our kids can get help with Math, Reading, and English as well as become proficient using computers.

6. Senior day program where seniors can come for Bible Study and fellowship.
7. Girls Scouts.
8. Youth athletic programs.
9. Scholarship programs for deserving youth (mainly for ours but also a great outreach tool) .

10. Big Brother / Big Sister program or tap into existing program

1. Build a Family Life Center to house computer lab, fitness room, basketball/volleyball court, classrooms, conference rooms, theater, fellowship hall, conversation rooms.
2. Other projects as they are identified and become a necessity to carry out vision. 


Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church

1800 N. Chamberlain Avenue
Chattanooga, TN. 37406

Our Vision

The Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church seeks to magnify the name of Jesus and glorify God through faith and love exemplified through corporate, consistent, and committed service and worship while enhancing the church through evangelism and edification.


We seek to win souls to Christ, demonstrate His love, impact the community positively, and perpetuate the Gospel to the furthermost ends of the Earth.


Sunday Worship                            9:30 AM
Wednesday Bible Study              6:00 PM
Midweek Praise                               6:00 PM
Children's Church            Twice a Month

*Bible Study via Zoom:
Call: 301-715-8592 or 312-626-6799
Passcode: 234850
(Meeting ID: 812 2775 5893)

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